Topics: What's abortion? Spontaneous abortion. What's miscarriage? Methods of induced abortion. Life-limiting diagnosis and Ectopic pregnancy.

Topics: What’s medication abortion and the risks? Is a medication abortion safer than taking Tylenol? What are the risks from a “telehealth” medication abortion? Is a medication abortion at least safer than a surgical abortion? What happens to the remains of the embryo or fetus?

Topics: Discussion of the latest abortion resolution
that designates January 22 as Roe v. Wade
Anniversary Day.

Topics: The reality of human trafficking. Listen to the testimonies of two incredibly brave survivors of human trafficking, Jean Marie Davis and Jennisue Jessen. Also, an Interview to Wendy J. Smith, a volunteer with 4 different anti-trafficking non-profits and author of a joint opinion paper for the American Association of Pro-life OB/GYNs and the American College of Pediatricians on the link between sex trafficking, pornography and abortion.

Topics: : John DiGirolamo is a critically acclaimed author, speaker and anti-human trafficking advocate. We discussed Where, Why, and How predators approach teens. How can parents protect their children from these predators. The link between the type of trafficking with our teens and abortion.

Topics: : Loli and Anita shared their powerful testimonies about having an abortion.
Anita at 14 found herself pregnant and from there on began to live a secret life. Both ladies tell their stories and live their lives to help others.

Topics: Maria is a survivor human trafficking, satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and commercial sexual exploitation (CSE).  Maria also has personal lived experience regarding sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), specifically familial trafficking. 

Topics: Discussion of Arizona right to abortion initiative and the statements made by Arizona legislator, Senator Eva Burch regarding this issue.

Topics: Listen to David and Julie share their powerful story when they received news of a life-limiting anomaly on their baby's 19 week ultrasound.  David wants you to know "It's not over, if this happens to you."  They now have four living children.  
Deanne Wikler, an obstetrical nurse who worked for the last ten years as a Family Care Coordinator with a perinatal hospice also shares what hospice offers parents in these situations.

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Topics: : Discussion of the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s statements involving the state of Idaho’s abortion ban and the implications for other states. Discussion of The federal Emergency Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA).

Topics: : Discussion on Initiative 89. Colorado abortion industry said that they have collected enough signatures to place abortion on the 2024 ballot. Initiative 89 would prohibit the state or local governments from denying or impeding the right to an abortion. It will force taxpayers to pay for abortion through Medicaid and under health insurance plans and eliminate parental notification. 

Topics: Summarize the history of abortion becoming legal in the United States. Discussion of Casey & Dobb’s decision and their impact. What’s the current state of abortion in CO?
How did Colorado arrive at this point with abortion law? What do we expect in 2024 in the legislature and on the November ballot? Discussion: Colorado Democrats for Life group.

Topics: What's What is an embryo, fetus, baby?
What are some of the key milestones? Does the baby feel pain during the abortion procedure?

Topics: What services and option Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center provides? Response to Colorado legislative session this year, SB23-190 calling Pregnancy Resource Centers “fake clinics”. Discussion about post-abortion recovery services. Lisa’s beautiful story.

Topics: Are there situations in early/later pregnancy that are life threatening and that could justify abortion? When is necessary to pursue an abortion to save the life of the mother? What about a threatened miscarriage? Is giving birth 14 times more dangerous than abortion?  

Topics: What’s the Kate Cox case about? What’s Trisomy 18? Special Guests:
Beverly Jacobson, Founder of Verity's Village.
Deanne Wikler, OB/Gyn nurse and Perinatal
Hospice Family Care Coordinator.

Topics: What does premature rupture of
membranes mean? What is the risk to the
mother and to the baby? How does abortion law
affect the management of previable PROM?